KAPPI: Network of independent and decentralized hybrid blockchains

Hybrid blockchains ecosystems built for a new token economy

What is Kappi?

Kappi is a network of independent and decentralized hybrid blockchains.

The KAPPI consensus protocol and the interface which was used to build the application is backed by nodes which retain voting power which is no-negative. This is different than the classic Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm that has each node carrying the same weight. In the KAPPI consensus, validators are able to participate in the consensus protocol through broadcasting cryptographic based signatures, which are referred to as votes, that agree on the next block. The voting power of each validator is determined at genesis and can be altered deterministically within the blockchain, which would be dependent on what the application is. An example of this is that the staking tokens can be bonded as collateral to determine the voting power. Unless all the validators have an equal weight, fractions would not be used to refer to the validator but only for the total voting power. 

Why Kappi?

Kappi solves many problems of the existing blockchains:

  • Scalability
  • TPS
  • Usability
  • Security
  • Sovereignty

KAPPI runs as a partly synchronous BFT consensus protocol that was created from the DLS consensus algorithm. KAPPI is known for being simple, working at a high level, and for the ease which fork accountability creates. The protocol only needs a fixed known set of validators that are all individually identified by their public key. The validators will work at gaining consensus on a block by block basis, where each block contains a list of transactions. Block consensus voting is done in rounds, where each round will have a proposer, or a round-leader, which proposes a block. Validators will then vote in trenches to decide whether or not each proposed block will be accepted. The round proposer will be chosen in a deterministic way based on the validator order list and always in proportion to their voting power. 


Yearly Staking Yield 24%
Monthly Staking Yield 2%

1 month lock-up wallet
2 month lock-up wallet
3 month lock-up wallet

Minimum transaction value:
5 000 000 KAPP
Stakes payout:
once a month (last day of the month)
Any transaction below 5 000 000 KAPP will be returned minus 10% fee

TOP 10 staking wallets will be able to buy Masternode with 50% discount once Mainnet (Polimorph) is live

Scalability and Decentralization

KAPPI is comprised of a network of many blockchains that being powered by KAPPI. KAPPI allows many blockchains to be running concurrently with each other whilst retaining interoperability. At its DWARF, KAPPI DWARF manages multiple independent blockchain ‘zones’, that are also referred to by some as shards. With a constant stream of block commits coming from zones on the DWARF, it can keep up with each zone’s information and its current state. In turn, the zones keep up with the DWARF, but not each other except through the DWARF. Information packets are sent from one zone to another through the DWARF through Merkle-proof posting showing that the information was both sent and received accurately.

Due to the inter-blockchain communication, any zone can be a DWARF for the purpose of forming an acrylic graph, if desired. The KAPPI DWARF blockchain consists of a multiple asset distribution ledger with tokens being individually used or used within a zone itself. Tokens can be moved between zones through a DWARF responsible for preserving any global invariance of the total token value across each zone. Sender, receiver, or DWARF blockchains can commit IBC coin packet transactions. The KAPPI DWARF is the central ledger for the entire system and its security is of primary importance. Each zone can have a KAPPI blockchain that is secured by no less than 4 (or less if not using the BFT consensus) and is secured by a set of validators that are globally decentralized to serve as being strong enough to stop any type of hack or attack scenario. 

Inter-zone Communication

Using an example, let’s say there are three blockchains, one of which is the DWARF. We want to produce a packet that is destined to arrive at one of the 2 non-DWARF zones. For a packet to be moved between blockchains it is first posted on the receiving chain; the proof will state that a packet was published by the sending chain for the destination. For this proof to be checked by the receiving chain it has to keep speed with the sender’s block headers. This is quite similar to sidechains that require interacting chains to be aware of each other through bidirectional chains through the use of datagram proof of existence transactions. The IBC protocol is able to define two types of transactions, a packet which facilitates the blockchain proof to observers of the last block hash and one that allows the blockchain to prove that the sender’s application published any given packet through the Merkle-proof. Since these mechanics are split into different transactions there is an allowance for the native fee mechanism of the receiver chain to determine what packet is acknowledged whilst allowing freedom for the sending chain to send any number of outbound packets.

Bridge Zones

A bridge is what the relationship between the DWARF and the zone is called. Both have to keep up to date information on the other’s blocks for the purpose of verifying proofs when tokens move between the two. The bridge zone has an indirection which lets the DWARF logic to stay agnostic and simple to the other blockchain’s consensus algorithm strategies. Every bridge zone validator will operate an KAPPI powered blockchain that includes an ABCI bridge app and a full node of the original blockchain. As new blocks are mined the bridge zone validators reach agreement on committed blocks through signing and sharing each perspective view of the blockchain tip origin. When payment is passed through a bridge zone on origin and there have been enough confirmations a corresponding account is created on the bridge with that balance. The bridge zone can share validator sets on networks such as Ethereum. 

Token Info

Total supply : 10 000 000 000 KAPP
Decimals: 18
Name: KAPPI Token
Ticker: KAPP
Contract: 0xf39f19565b8d937ec30f1db5bd42f558d1e312a6

Telegram: @umicumi
erc20: 0x728427aE1209032c1a4084A67Cf41A130875AdD7