iBlock Games bandar 10.29 iBlock Games (IBG) is committed to becoming the world's top blockchain game platform. IBG makes full use of blockchain technology to pr... 0
Goldario - Your Share in the World's Digital Economy bandar 08.29 Your Share in the World's Digital Economy Redefining the ecocycle for precious metals, stones and jewellery by utilizing the pow... 0
Sapien Wallet - A truly decentralized lightwallet intended for mass use bandar 23.28 Sapien Wallet A decentralized lightwallet offering fully trusted ratings and reviews from post-transaction data. Sapien is looking to bri... 0
EQ Token bandar 07.38 EQ Token will use blockchain technology as a much better and more efficient way of equity crowdfunding. The benefits of using blockchain ... 0
SapienWallet - A truly decentralized lightwallet intended for mass use bandar 19.28 A decentralized lightwallet offering fully trusted ratings and reviews from post-transaction data. Sapien is looking to bridge the gap of d... 0
AoSPooling - Jump in the water is warm bandar 18.07 AoS brings Cryptocurrency to the average person by pooling funds JUMP IN Scarcity Gives Value Our Investments are based on scarce tang... 0
HYDROSTANDART bandar 18.59 To introduce a new universal digital currency, both for internal and external financial calculations, and for direct interaction of digital... 0